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Alum Sticks and Alum Blocks - Product Information Australia


Alum is every Shavers absolute best After Shave Care product. There are many types of alum : Potassium & Ammonium alum are the types used in Alum Blocks /Sticks for Shaving.

Alum is an antiseptic & post Shave healer that is made from naturally occurring potassium alum mineral salts. ( They are NOT Styptic Pencils - which can be made with varying ingredients.)

Alums antiseptic properties instantly soothes razor burn and calms irritation caused by Shaving and stops bleeding instantly in the event of any minor cuts or nicks from poor Shaving technique, it also closes skin pores leaving the skin smooth and tight. Alum is completely without scent. Alum can also be used - YES as a Pre Shave to make the whiskers stand up better for a closer Shave. In France, Hungary and Poland I was personally Shaved by many Barbers who know of the "old " ways & use Alum this way and told me they also use Alum for certain haicuts to make head hair stand straight up, so as to give a more precise shapely haircut. So Alum is a perfect Preshave and Aftershave in one block - using Alum as an Aftershave on its own is fine but it does not mean you have to stop using your favourite Aftershave Splash or Balm or Face Moisturizer, as Alum combines perfectly with any other Aftershave - just apply Alum first straight after your Shave wait 2-3 minutes and then apply your usual Aftershave right on top.


Potassium Alum ( potassium aluminumAlum Australia sulfate) - is generally naturally occuring* Potash Alum processed with hydrometallurgy and has a pH which is close to the skins natural pH - it is much gentler on application (* eg. Exceptions include - 444 Alum which is a synthetic Potassium Alum ) . Always check the ingredients list to know which type of Alum you are buying.

Ammonium Alum ( ammonium aluminum sulfate) - is generally a synthetic compound / or by product and has a pH which is more acidic - and it stings much more on application




1. Strong natural antiseptic

2. Post Shave Healer

3. Soothes Razor Burn instantly

4. Use Alum with ALL Types of Shaving or Waxing - Electric / Safety Razor / Disposable / Cartridge / Cut Throat Single Edge

5. Stops bleeding from minor cuts and nicks immediately

6. After a mild initial stinging - Calms and tones the skin

7. It is without any scent - Scentless

8. It is non - staining

9. Closes skin pores

10. 100% Hypoallergenic - No Allergic responses to use

11. Perfect Aftershave on its own or used with other Aftershaves

12. Can be also used as a Preshave to make the whiskers ready for a Shave

13. Perfect to use after waxing to calm and tone the skin and promote natural healing

14. A small 90G block of Alum will last 1-2 years depending on how often you Shave

15. Alum can be stored for years without a container and retain all of its excellent properties

16. Alum can be used directly / safely on your ( Male & Female ) Most sensitive body parts ( ie. Below The Bikini Line ) - With no burning.

17. After use let the Alum block dry in a moisture free spot - if left in moisture or water the block will melt away



If you are not yet using Alum in your regular Shaving routine please do yourself & your face - or any part of your body that you Shave - a big favour & start using a good quality Alum Block regardless of what type of Shaving system you use - cartridge based Razors - disposable Razors - DE T-Bar Razors - Electric Razors - Shavettes or Straight Razors.



Alum has been used as an After Shave treatment for centuries ( about a 3000 Year Old Treatment ). Once you start using alum, you might even get rid of all of your expensive After Shaves. Because it stings very mildly, at first you may or might not like it, but if you continue to use it, you will find a positive improvement in you skin tone.


TO USE AS AN AFTERSHAVE : After Shaving, simply rub a piece of alum block over a wet face or where you have Shaved for few seconds - also wet the end of the Alum Block or Stick regularly with cold tap water as you apply it. It will very mildly sting as you apply it especially if you have Shaved harshly or your technique was wrong when Shaving. To really treat your freshly Shaved Face wet the Alum Block - Stick with ice cold fridge water as you apply it and your face will really thank you.

You can either rinse it off after 30 seconds or leave it on the skin and let it dry naturally.

Shaving Alum Block Australia  


Alum is wonderful as a deodorant due to it's antiseptic and anti bacterial properties. To make a deodorant out of Alum, powder the Alum first along with little myrhh and use it as a dusting powder, or you can simply wet an alum block and use it under your arms like any deodorant stick. However it is advised for some skin types to use it every other day instead of every day.



Alum can be effectively used for treating pimples. A face pack made with egg whites, powdered alum and fullers earth is very effective in treating acne. 



Usually for canker sores, a small piece of alum is powdered and then a pinch of  that alum powder is pressed over the canker sore. It stings for a while, but by the next day, usually the person is relieved of canker sores. But many don't like to use the alum powder as such and young children will find it hard to bear the stinging burn caused by the Alum. This homemade alum mouth rinse is good way to use alum to get rid of mouth sores. To make the rinse, powder alum in a mortar and pestle. Boil water in a pan along with little salt, once the salt has dissolved remove from the heat and stir in the alum powder. Once the alum has dissolved, strain and use it as a mouth rinse at least 2 to 3 times a day. Salt is also very effective in treating canker sores and this mouth rinse can be safely used by both young and old. If you are using raw alum powder, make sure not to swallow it while applying over the canker sore and use only a tiny bit. Some people can have a reaction to putting Alum directly in the mouth.


Alum is wonderful for treating eye abscess. For treating abscess, rub alum on a sandalwood stone along with little water. You have to rub it nicely to get a paste, as it doesn't rub into a paste easily. This paste is very effective and it stings initially, when applied. But the boil breaks on the same day it is applied, giving one good relief from the eye abscess. In India and the Phillipines, you can find this stone pretty easily for only about 20 cents per block. This stone can be stored for years and used.



Alum powderShaving Shop Australia is very useful in treating cracked heels. For this remedy alum is heated in a small empty kadai. When you heat alum, it liquifies and foams. Once all the water evaporates, you will be left with a crumbly textured mixture. Once it cools down, it is powdered and mixed with coconut oil and applied on the legs or heels. The mixture should be ground smoothly, or else it will be difficult to apply it on the heels. This remedy gives amazingly good relief, if applied regularly for some time.


Alum is amazing for water treatment. Every camper worth his salt knows to keep a few blocks of Alum when travelling across Australia to purify or filter normal or dirty or muddy water, first powder the alum and add about 1 gm of alum powder for every litre of muddy water. The mud and dirt / dust particles will settle at the bottom, leaving you with clear water to drink. Next time you go on a camping trip, take a small block of alum with you.


Alum can be effectively used for body hair removal for women. A mixture of alum powder and water or better still rosewater can be applied all over the body. This paste tends to retard the body hair growth over time. 



Alum can be effectively used for wrinkles. Take a piece of alum and wet it in water. Rub it on your damp face for few seconds. Alum tends to tighten the skin. Wash your face in water and apply moisturizer.



Alum can be used effectively to get rid of hair lice. To make a lice treatment, powdered alum is mixed in water along with little tea tree oil. This mixture when applied on the scalp for some time, helps to get rid of lice.



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